All BlizzardPets
content and images
are owned by Jean
Ortiz & John Bakalis.
all rights reserved.
All images used with
permission of
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Navigation - ►Gold Account
Gold Account Info
As some of our users still wondering about the gold accounts, here comes an info about it.
Costs: |
50 Tokens (= 5$) for 30 days |
If you want to buy a gold membership, you have to go to the
Token Shop. There you will find the topic "Gold Account". If you already bought enough tokens, you can buy the gold membership now.
If not, you have to buy the tokens first.
Notice: You need to buy 50 Tokens!
So click on the button "Click here to buy Tokens" now and enter the amount of tokens you want to buy.
After you entered the the amount, click on the button "Make Payment". You will be redirected to the Paypal site now, so you can finish the payment.
Notice: When payment is done, you will see a "Return to merchant button". You MUST click this button in order to automatically get tokens from BlizzardPets. If you don't click it, you won't get your tokens and you have to submit a Support Ticket to get your tokens.
After you clicked on the button, you will be redirected back to BlizzardPets and get your tokens.
Now you can purchase the gold membership with your tokens.
Now many of our users want to know more about the advantages of the gold membership. Here are them!
User Color: |
Your user color will change to golden
while you have your golden
membership activated.
User Trophy: |
You will get the Donator Trophy and it will
be never removed from your profile again.
Even not if your golden membership runs out.
Games: |
You have more plays left for the
quests and other games.
Bonus Item: |
If you buy the golden membershop from the Token Shop, you get the month's special item
for free. You can't buy it anywhere and it will
be never released again.
New Rank:
You have the Rank "Gold Member" while
you have your golden membership activated.
It will shown up on your profile and in the
forum above your avatar.
Extra Pet: |
You are allowed to create one additional
pet while you have your golden
membership activated.
If you buy the golden membershop from
the Token Shop you get a gift of some
bPoints. The amount of the bPoints
depends on how many tokens
you buy.
Some other important notes about the Token Shop:

Golden Blizzard Debit Cards are usually available in the Token
Shop and are a nice way to buy a gift for a friend or to sell for
bPoints. The debit card gives you 50 Tokens when you use it
later to purchase items in the Token Shop. And best of all,
they never expire.
Donations in the Token Shop are what helps to pay for the
cost of hosting the site and buying flash games, and outsite
art needed for new pets and new games.
 Squishy Dino Toy
 Duck Book
 Mini Attack Robot
 Alien Ducky
 SteeBee the Bee
 Toy Unicorn
 Ancient Armadilo Stuffy
 Cave Lion Stuffy